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Soroptimist Sweden

Soroptimist International is one of the world’s largest non-partisan and religious organizations for women. Through a strong network of professional women, we contribute to strengthening women’s position globally, nationally and locally. We make a difference for girls and women through our various projects. The organization was started in 1921 in the United States and is now present in 122 countries. As an organization, we have UN status, which means that we as an organization are asked and have the right to express ourselves on issues relating to women’s and girls’ rights in various UN forums. Everything to influence that the governments of different countries actively work on issues around gender equality.

Soroptimist International är en av världens största partipolitiskt och religiöst obundna organisationer för kvinnor. Genom ett starkt nätverk av yrkesverksamma kvinnor, bidrar vi till att stärka kvinnans ställning globalt, nationellt och lokalt. Vi gör skillnad för flickor och kvinnor genom våra olika projekt. Organisationen startades 1921 i USA och finns nu i 122 länder. Som organisation har vi FN-status, det innebär att vi som organisation tillfrågas och har rätt att uttala oss i frågor som rör kvinnors och flickors rättigheter i olika FN-forum. Allt för att påverka att olika länders regeringar aktivt arbetar med frågor kring jämställdhet.


In Ukraine
In Ukraine


42 x 30 cm Ldt. Edition 1-45

Embrace the strength in all women. No matter where in the world, women are overcoming obstacles,  taking responsibilities in extraordinary circumstances, surrounded by women standing up for eachother. 

The war in Ukraine is still raging and the women  are in great need of additional support. To strengthen them in the current situation, to be able to restart and build up a new beginning and future. For the independence of women all over, Europe Soroptimist International, has different projects to enable and empower women.

When buying this painting, you are supporting a new beginning for a woman via The Soroptimists Sweden.